Code of conduct and whistleblowing

Responsible business is the cornerstone of sustainability.

Sustainability means enabling emission reductions for our customers, reducing the environmental impacts of our own operations, promoting a safe work environment and ensuring responsible business practices.

But what does responsible business practices mean and why is it important?

Responsible business practices are about making the right decision in every situation every day. The Gasum Code of Conduct is our guide that helps us make those right decisions in our day-to-day work.

Gasum whistleblowing channel

Gasum encourages and expects all employees and business partners to report concerns, incidents of non-compliance or suspected misconduct using the appropriate reporting channels.

Gasum's whistleblowing channel is available for confidential reporting. All alleged incidents of misconduct communicated through the reporting channel will be reviewed in accordance with the related response and review processes. Only the Group Compliance Officer and the Head of HR or a person specifically appointed by them will have access to the report.

All reports, regardless of the reporting channel, are handled confidentially.


The Gasum whistleblowing channel is an external service maintained by an independent provider.

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