Gasum once again receives the best occupational safety rating at the Vision Zero Forum
Gasum's Finnish operations are once again among the world leaders in occupational safety in the Vision Zero Forum level ratings. This year, a total of 108 workplaces received the occupational safety level classification, of which 59 were at the best level, including Gasum.
The assessment criteria include accident frequency, investigation of occupational accidents and incident reporting processes. The aim of the level classification is to help companies develop safety at workplaces.
The Vision Zero Forum is a network of workplaces coordinated by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health with the aim of motivating and encouraging workplaces to strive for a high level of occupational safety and well-being. Any workplace can become a member, regardless of occupational safety level, size or industry.
At the core of the Forum's activities is Vision Zero thinking, which represents long-term commitment and a positive attitude towards promoting work safety, health and wellbeing.
The Forum already has more than 550 workplaces as members. Gasum has been a member of the Vision Zero Forum since 2004.