Gasum is planning a FuelEU maritime pooling solution together with Wasaline

Gasum’s pooling service is a simple and easy way for conventional fuel vessels to save on compliance costs.

Nordic energy company Gasum and Finnish shipping company Wasaline have signed a Letter of Intent on building the first large-scale commercial FuelEU Maritime pooling service. Wasaline operates a hybrid ferry that can run on batteries as well as LNG and bio-LNG. The ferry transports passengers as well as cargo between Finland and Sweden.

Wasaline would be providing over-compliance to the pool by running its daily route on bio-LNG. Gasum would manage the pool, supply the ultra-low emission bio-LNG and offer over-compliance to shipping companies with conventional fuel vessels.

As an established bio-LNG producer and distributor, Gasum is able to guarantee the required supply of ultra-low emission fuel to Wasaline. Additionally, the regular route of the ferry brings predictability to the pooling service.

Uniquely credible and reliable pooling solution

Gasum’s FuelEU Maritime pooling service is the easiest and most reliable way for shipping companies to save on compliance costs and promote the production of low-emission fuels at the same time.

“As a major bio-LNG producer and supplier, Gasum is in a unique position to provide a reliable full-service pooling solution to shipping companies. Customers have shown a strong interest in a pooling service offered by Gasum. Our long experience and strong relationships in the maritime market give us a competitive advantage that few other companies can provide”, says Jacob Granqvist, Gasum’s Vice President, Maritime.

“We at Wasaline are excited by the opportunity to participate in a solution that has the potential to increase the production and use of renewable biofuels. We prioritize innovation and sustainability in shipping and are happy to be able to help others reduce emissions and drive the green transition forward in our industry”, states Wasaline's CEO, Peter Ståhlberg.

Regulation to clean up shipping gradually

FuelEU Maritime is a European Union regulation established to increase the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels and limit greenhouse gas emissions. The regulation will apply to all ships of over 5,000 gross tonnage calling at EU ports.

Starting 2025 the owners of such vessels need to reduce the carbon intensity of purchased fuel initially by two percent with the required reduction growing incrementally to as much as 80% by 2050.

To make compliance easier for shipping companies, FuelEU Maritime permits the voluntary pooling of emission reductions between vessels. This means, that vessels that are over-compliant can compensate emissions on behalf of under-compliant vessels, in other words, provide compliance as a service.

Increasing availability of bio-LNG and e-LNG

Liquefied biomethane, bio-LNG, is a fully renewable and environmentally friendly fuel with life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions that are, on average, 90% lower when compared with fossil fuel use. Biogas can be used in all the same applications as natural gas.

Gasum produces biogas in its 17 own biogas plants in Finland and Sweden and has additionally established long-term partnerships with trusted and certified biogas producers throughout Europe. Gasum is set to bring renewable e-methane to the market from 2027 onwards.

Gasum’s goal is to offer 7 TWh of renewable gas to its customers yearly by 2027, including biomethane and e-methane. Achieving this goal would mean a combined carbon dioxide reduction of 1.8 million tons per year for Gasum’s customers.

Read more about Gasum’s services for the maritime transport sector

For further information please contact:

Jacob Granqvist, Vice President, Maritime, Gasum
+358 40 483 9129,

Peter Ståhlberg, Managing Director, Wasaline, +358 40 559 2353

About Gasum

The energy company Gasum is a Nordic gas sector and energy market expert. Gasum offers cleaner energy and energy market expert services for industry and for combined heat and power production as well as cleaner fuel solutions for road and maritime transport. The company helps its customers to reduce their own carbon footprint as well as that of their customers. Together with its partners, Gasum promotes development towards a carbon-neutral future on land and at sea.  

About Wasaline

Wasaline is the northernmost shipping line in the world, which transports passengers and freight daily between Vaasa in Finland and Umeå in Sweden. The route is important for security of supply. The company's hybrid ferry, Aurora Botnia, is equipped with dual-fuel engines and batteries. The Key Flag has been awarded both to Aurora Botnia and Wasaline’s services as a recognition of Finnish work. For more in-formation, please visit