First liquefied natural gas station in Southeast Finland opened in Kotka

The energy company Gasum opened the first liquefied gas filling station in Southeast Finland in Kotka on April 5, 2022. The new station is in the proximity of the busy highway 7 and strengthens filling station capacity in this important port city. The station is a major addition for southeast Finnish gas motorists and serves both passenger cars and heavy-duty transport.

Gasum’s newest gas filling station opened in Kotka on April 5 at Jylpyntie 38. This station marks the expansion of the liquefied gas filling station network to an important port city. The Port of Kotka is Finland’s largest export port, which means the area has an important role in logistics. 

The new station enjoys a prime location at the entrance to the port and serves both passenger car drivers and logistics and haulage companies’ trucks. The station is the first liquefied biogas station in Southeast Finland and the second station in Kotka providing compressed biogas. 

Filling station network will be expanded with an eye to future needs

Demand for low-emission liquefied biogas (LBG) has been growing sharply across Europe. In 2020, there were already more than 15,000 LBG vehicles on the roads and this number is expected to show further strong growth. Gasum promotes the transition to a low-emission society by providing logistics companies and consumers with possibilities to switch from traditional fossil fuels to low-emission alternatives like natural gas and fully renewable biogas. 

“The new station in Kotka is a major addition to our growing Nordic road fuel gas filling station network. The area around the Port of Kotka is very important logistically and by strengthening our filling station capacity in Southeast Finland, we are helping growing numbers of logistics operators to reach their emission ambitions by allowing them to switch to cleaner and more cost-effective fuels,” says Olli Paasio, Director, Traffic Finland, at Gasum.

Biogas and natural gas are cost-effective ways to reduce road transport emissions. Biogas can help to reduce lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 90% compared to traditional fossil fuels. With natural gas, emissions are 20% lower. Renewable biogas accounts for more than 90% of the road fuel gas sold by Gasum.

“We are continuously developing our filling station network so that we can increasingly better respond to future energy and emission reductions needs. Expansion of the Keltakallio station in Kotka in 2021 and the new filling station at Jylpyntie are excellent examples of our work to this end,” says Olli Paasio.  

The EU’s Connecting Europe Facility supported the construction of the LNG filling station in Jylpyntie 38, Kotka.

For more information, please contact

Olli Paasio, Director, Traffic Finland, Gasum
tel. +358 50 392 6477, firstname.surnamei(a)