Further biogas production investment support proposal by the Swedish government
On Friday 17[th] September, the Swedish government announced a biogas production investment support of 500 MSEK by 2022, followed by 700 MSEK 2023-2024 is proposed in the autumn budget this year. It is suggested that the monetary support will continue yearly until 2040.
Arla in Sweden has now together with Gasum decided to expand the current partnership that will benefit the biogas production and use in Sweden the following years. In essence, the partnership includes collecting manure in order to produce biogas and bio-fertilizer. In the end, this means more biogas to the traffic segment.
In 2019, Arla began a biogas revolution. Today they have 10 biogas trucks, with additional three new ones underway in 2021. In total, they will drive about 250 000 km per year. A mileage that would have required 1,000,000 liters of diesel. Using liquefied biogas instead of diesel will lower Arla’s emissions extensively.
One of Gasum's planned major investments in the production of liquid biogas is in Götene, where manure is intended as the primary raw material. The plant, with a production capacity of 120 GWh/a has received support via Klimatklivet, a government investment support that the government also announced on Friday to expand.
-Gasum sees the collaboration with Arla as a crucial part in realizing the potential that biogas has in Sweden. Biogas is one of the very best forms of renewable energy because it is the textbook example of circularity. The clear signals that the government is now giving are very positive for the industry, the climate and Gasum. Further planned investments in the coming years to gain access to biogas, says Johan Grön, Vice President, Biogas.
For further information, please contact:
Johan Grön, Vice President, Biogas, Gasum
Phone. +358 40 546 4186, johan.gron@gasum.com