Finland’s national biogas programme strengthens the role of biogas in transport emission reduction efforts
A working group appointed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland published today a national biogas programme that will strengthen the role of biogas particularly in efforts to reduce transport emissions. The biogas programme lists several significant measures whose implementation during this Government’s term in office would improve the competitiveness of biogas in the future. The biogas programme was formulated by a broad group of ministries and experts, with Gasum also participating as an expert member appointed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
The role of biogas in the reduction of transport emissions is regarded as significant in the implementation plan of the biogas programme. According to the plan, the biogas distribution network must be increased and the target of 50,000 gas vehicles set for 2030 must be reviewed with a view to raising it. In line with the Government Programme, it is stated in the plan that sustainably produced biogas will be included in the scope of the distribution obligation. Before that, however, studies will be conducted on any tax impacts created by the distribution obligation.
The production and use of biogas facilitate reductions in transport emissions and increase the efficiency of nutrient cycling in agriculture. Digestate obtained as a by-product of biogas production can be used to make fertilizer products and recycled nutrient products. Therefore the plan proposes that pilot and research projects be developed around biogas and that farm and rural enterprises be incentivized to produce and use biogas and to process nutrient fractions created in the process.
Also in line with the Government Programme, the plan mentions that biogas production support based on the nutrient cycle will be introduced for manure and other agricultural biomasses. In addition to biogas investments, new manure processing techniques will be supported and regulation of biogas plants rationalized with respect to issues such as permit procedures and sale of energy from plants.
”It’s been great to be involved in formulating the national biogas programme with the ministries and other experts. The value of renewable biogas has been recognized, and together we were able to draw up a plan that covers biogas production, distribution and the recycled nutrients and fertilizers created in end production. It’s important that enough resources are allocated for practical implementation and that coordination between administrative branches is ensured. The integration of various sectors helps us ensure efficient emission reductions and safeguard the competitiveness of biogas for the coming years,” says Matti Oksanen, Director, Business Development, Biogas, Gasum.
A broad group of ministries took part in the formulation of the biogas programme: the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Finance. Also included in the working group as expert members were Gasum, the Bioenergy Association of Finland, Finnish Energy (ET), Envitecpolis Ltd, Natural Resources Institute Finland, the Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK), SEO, the Finnish Biocycle and Biogas Association (SBB), the Finnish Gas Association and the Finnish Environment Institute.
For further information please contact:
Matti Oksanen, Director, Business Development, Biogas, Gasum
hone: +358 40 483 6035, firstname.surname(a)