Logistics solutions provider PostNord transports using renewable biogas - Growing demand for clean fuels in logistics

Transport and logistics companies are at the forefront in efforts towards cleaner traffic and growing numbers of actors in the industry are actively pursuing ways to reduce emissions originating in transport. PostNord, the leading logistics solutions provider in the Nordic countries, has brought into use four biogas-fueled delivery vehicles in Finland during the summer. The use of biogas in transport can reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the lifecycle of the fuel by up to 85% compared with more traditional fuels.

The Finnish transport sector has announced the goal to halve emissions originating in transport by 2030 from the level in 2005. Besides this, Finland is also pursuing completely carbon-neutral transport by 2045. Emissions reduction is particularly important in the transport and logistics industry since heavy-duty transport accounts for roughly a third of EU greenhouse gas emissions in road transport. Growing numbers of logistics companies are seeking to cut emissions by switching to more environmentally friendly fuels.

PostNord brought four environmentally friendly biogas fueled delivery vehicles into use in June 2019.

“Concern for the environment is everyone’s responsibility and we want to be a sustainability leader in the Nordic countries. We have set ourselves the goal of cutting the entire PostNord Group’s carbon dioxide emissions by 40% by 2020 compared with the 2009 level,” says Johanna Starck CEO, PostNord Oy.

By making low emission choices, PostNord has reduced the environmental loading in its operations despite a sharp rise in the numbers of parcels transported. The company also requires its partners to commit to environmental goals. PostNord’s subcontractor, transport company A2B, has been driving biogas-fueled vehicles since back in 2011 and now has a fleet of 34 biogas-fueled vehicles.

”We’re a fully ecological transport service provider and proud of our leading position. We chose biogas in 2011 because it represented eco-friendliness and Finnishness, values that we consider important,” sums up Tero Kakko, CEO, A2B. “Our deliveries are made using fully renewable fuel produced from Finnish biowaste. We’re supporting the circular economy and improving urban air quality at the same time,” he sums up.

LNG and LBG reduce heavy-duty vehicle emissions

The energy company Gasum is strategically building a network of gas filling stations in Finland and the other Nordic countries. Gasum currently has 33 gas filling stations in Finland with seven stations also serving long-distance heavy-duty transport. There are a further four similar filling stations for heavy-duty transport in Sweden. During 2019, Gasum aims to expand the number of filling stations for heavy-duty vehicles to 20, of which eight will be in Finland and 12 in Sweden.  

”Demand for cleaner fuels is growing rapidly in the transport and logistics industry. We and our partners are focusing on developing the gas infrastructure and network of filling stations across the Nordic countries,” says Jani Arala, Senior Sales Manager, Gasum. ”Particularly for companies in this sector, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquefied biogas (LBG) are essential in the transition towards a carbon-neutral future. At the same time, they also result in significant savings in fuel costs.”

LNG and LBG are low emission fuels suitable for heavy-duty transport and can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and local emissions. PostNord’s subcontractor Kuljetus Arto Järvimäki Oy brought into use two Scania LNG-fueled tractor units in 2018.

”Customer wishes and a desire to reduce our carbon footprint influenced our decision. Expansion of the filling station network makes it easier to use gas and adds to security of supply. Based on our experience, we can recommend the use of gas-fueled tractor units to all transport companies,” says Marko Järvimäki, entrepreneur.

More information:

Jani Arala, Senior Sales Manager, Traffic, Gasum
Phone: +358 44 054 8583, firstname.surname(a)gasum.com

Johanna Starck, CEO, PostNord Oy
Phone: +358 40 099 6608, firstname.surname(a)postnord.com

The energy company Gasum is a Nordic gas sector and energymarket expert. Together with its partners, Gasum is building a bridge towards a carbon-neutral society on land and at sea. www.gasum.com.