Serving the Nordic LNG market through our supply chain
Gasum operates a complete value chain in LNG to serve the Nordic markets. The company wants to secure stable energy deliveries to industry, shipping and transportation companies. Gasum’s value chain for end users of liquefied natural gas (LNG) includes several European sourcing partners for LNG.
Gasum delivers LNG to all customers from different sourcing partners in Europe and from Risavika liquefaction plant in Norway. From Risavika production the liquefied natural gas (LNG) is delivered to Gasum’s local terminals in Norway, Sweden and Finland by chartered vessels. From these terminals LNG is delivered by truck to industrial premises with customers' terminals or as natural gas by local gas grids to close by industry customers.
For the maritime customers we have the option to deliver LNG by truck-to-ship, terminal-to-ship or bunker by ship-to-ship.
Long-term agreement with the liquefaction plant in Risavika
Gasum has an extensive tolling agreement with North Sea Midstream Partners securing deliveries of LNG and liquefied biogas (LBG) to its customers from the plant of Risavika liquefaction.
Gasum is also buying LNG from several other European sources and supplying LNG also via terminals in northwestern Europe.

Decarbonization - the way forward
LNG is recognized as the most viable alternative fuel to reduce emissions in industry, maritime and road transport. For example, Maritime transport generates 3 percent of the world’s total greenhouse gas emis-sions such as carbon dioxide.
CO2 emissions contributes to global warming and extreme weather conditions. As a fuel or energy source, LNG is interchangeable with renewable LBG (liquefied biogas), as they both consist mainly of methane. This means that the two gases can be mixed. Using both LNG and LBG is one of the concrete actions that will take us towards a low-carbon society of the future.

Gasum can transport LNG directly to the industry customers throughout the Nordics and support local terminals for LNG storing before further land transportation by trucks or as natural gas by local pipe grids.
“We’re the leading LNG and LBG supplier in the Nordic countries and want to offer our expertise to all maritime, transport and industry actors who are considering more environmentally friendly solutions. Our aim is to grow by solving our customers’ problems and that way also expand to continental Northern Europe,” Anders Malm, SVP, Portfolio management and Trading of Gasum summarizes.
Gasum has tailored solutions to serve the customer’s entire value chain. These can relate to logistics solutions by providing fuel for heavy-duty transport and for maritime shipping and also a cleaner energy solutions for industrial actors.