LNG terminal in Tornio

The Manga LNG natural gas import terminal in Röyttä, Tornio, is a joint venture of the industrial companies Outokumpu and SSAB Europe, the energy company EPV Energy and the energy company Gasum. The purpose of the terminal is to diversify the gas and fuel markets of the Northern region by providing Northern industry, energy production and maritime transport with a more environmentally friendly and inexpensive alternative.

Wärtsilä has been responsible for construction delivery for the Manga liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal project.

Contact information

Manga Terminal in Tornio
Röyttä harbour
FI-95450 Tornio

Wärtsilä's turnkey solution for the terminal also included systems for LNG ship unloading, LNG storage, ship bunkering, LNG truck loading, and LNG regasification and injection into the local gas network. 

LNG will be delivered flexibly to customers

The Tornio terminal's LNG storage capacity is 50,000 cbm. LNG will be delivered to customers in the Röyttä industrial area in gasified form via a connection pipeline and to industrial customers and filling stations by road using road tankers. Ships will mainly receive road tanker deliveries or will be bunkered directly from the terminal.

The Tornio LNG terminal will serve the entire Bay of Bothnia region as well as industrial and mining operators, maritime transport and heavy-duty road transport in Northern Finland, Sweden and Norway.

The main users of LNG will include the Outokumpu Tornio steel mill, EPV Energy and SSAB Raahe. Maritime transport customers will include LNG-powered cargo ships and the new icebreaker Polaris.

The gas will arrive at Tornio from sources in the Gasum production portfolio such as the Risavika LNG production plant in Norway and other sources. The LNG will be delivered to Tornio by Gasum's time-chartered 18,000 cbm Ice Class 1A Super tanker Coral EnergICE.

Operational since

A LNG storage capacity is 50,000 m3
LNG vaporizing facilities and a storage tank at the temperature of -163 °C.

The terminal is owned by Manga LNG Ltd. The terminal is a joint project between Outokumpu and SSAB steel mills, EPV Energy Ltd and Gasum.