Gasum LNG terminal in Øra
From facilities in Norway and abroad we transport LNG to the Gasum LNG terminal at the Øra industrial site near Fredrikstad. The terminal is ideal for helping local and international customers to secure LNG on demand.
Contact information
Gasum LNG Terminal at Øra
Øraveien 23C
N-1630 Gamle Fredrikstad
Safety information
Please find here the safety information for Øra area.
Read more in Norwegian
From the terminal, nearby industry is supplied by a local natural gas pipeline grid. LNG is delivered by trucks to industry in Sweden and eastern parts of Norway. The terminal serves as an important hub to supply more environmentally friendly energy to local and international industry.
The terminal is a large tank park that consists of nine tanks. The combined storage capacity of these tanks is 5,900 m3 LNG.
By ship and by truck
Ships continually transport LNG to the Gasum terminal. The ships are built according to international regulations and can carry a capacity of between 7,0003 and 15,000 m3.
Transport by truck from the terminal is regulated by strict international laws and regulations providing 15–20 safe truck loadings every day.