Honkajoki biogas plant

The Honkajoki biogas plant currently processes food industry side streams as well as separately collected and packaged biowaste.

Contact information

Lakkikeitaantie 3
38950 Honkajoki

Plant Manager
Esa Eloranta
Tel. +358 40 628 8210

Safety training for visitors

The plant has its own pre-processing lines for separately collected and packaged biowaste where packaging materials and biodegradable fractions of the feedstocks are separated. Packaging materials are delivered for energy use and biodegradable fractions are used in the biogas process.

Biogas from the plant is sold for use in the boiler and CHP engine of an energy company located nearby for electricity, heat and process steam production.

The sanitized digestate generated at the plant as well as the solid digestate obtained from the centrifuges is used as a fertilizer product in agriculture. Reject water from the centrifuges is recycled in the process as dilution water to reduce raw water consumption.

Operational since:

Waste processing capacity:
60,000 tonnes/year

Gas production capacity:
35 GWh/year

Biogas process:

Safety e-learnings