Gasum Gas Fund gives out grants for research and development in the gas sector

Gasum supports research and development in the gas sector through the Gasum Gas Fund. Research, technology and innovations play key roles in the journey towards a clean and sustainable Nordic gas ecosystem. A forerunner in the gas and energy sector, Gasum invests in the development of new technologies, concepts and energy systems. Grants for 2019 were given out from the Gasum Gas Fund to eight researchers in Helsinki on May 13, 2019.

The Gasum Gas Fund supports full-time research relating to education, research and development aiming to promote the gas ecosystem. Gasum Gas Fund is one of the special funds run and administered by the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion (TES). Grants have been given out from the fund for researchers developing future solutions concerning, for example, the bioeconomy and circular economy, transport and logistics or energy solutions promoting the use of gas.

“Gasum promotes development towards a carbon-neutral future together with its partners. Increasing the biogas market and biogas production capacity and promoting the circular economy is a key element of the Gasum strategy. It was an honor for us to provide several promising gas-sector researchers with grants this year, too,” says Gasum CEO Johanna Lamminen.

The objective of the Gas Fund is to support full-time research with full daily allowances. In addition, the Gas Fund seeks to provide long-term funding for research carried out by students. The Gasum Gas Fund is one of the special funds run and administered by the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion (TES).

Received by eight persons this year, the grants from the Gasum Gas Fund in 2019 totaled €62,200:

Danielle Bansfield, MSc (Aalto University), Exploiting the unexploited: improved recycling of nutrients in the reject water from biogas production into value-added products (€5,000)

Aida Hosseinian, MSc (University of Oulu), Phosphorus recovery in the context of circular economy (€5,000)

Kari Koppelmäki, MSc (University of Helsinki), Biokaasuntuotannon integrointi ravinteiden kierrätykseen paikallisessa ruokajärjestelmässä [Integrating biogas production into nutrient cycling in the local food system (€16,200)

Veera Koskue, MSc (Tampere University of Technology), Ravinteiden talteenotto jätevesistä bioelektrokemiallisilla menetelmillä [Nutrient recovery from wastewater using bioelectrochemical methods (€5,000)

Shah Rukh Shakeel, MSc (University of Vaasa), Commercialization of renewable energy technologies in Finland (€5,000)

Natalia Saukkonen, MSc (Tampere University of Technology), Interplay of profitability targets and environmental values in investment decision-making – case studies from biogas sector (€2,000)

Axumavit Tesfamariam (University of Oulu), The effect of selected coagulant on downstream biological wastewater treatment units and on biological sludge stabilization processes (€2,000)

Ville Turunen (Aalto University), Sewage sludge as a potential sustainable nutrient source (€22,000)


More information:

Inkeri Kauppi, development engineer, Gasum
Tel. +358 40 486 8288, forname.lastname(a)

The energy company Gasum is a Nordic gas sector and energymarket expert. Together with its partners, Gasum is building a bridge towards a carbon-neutral society on land and at sea.